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10 reasons to donate to charity

The English dictionary defines charity as the voluntary giving of help, in many cases charity is monetary and is often fulfilling for the person who makes the donation. In today’s world where there are so many needy and underprivileged people, donating to charity is considered a noble act. It is imperative that we try and be of service to another fellow man. Charity does not always imply the giving away of money, one can give away anything to someone in need. People donate cars, books, clothes and even food in the name of charity and it also has its own benefits. It is not always that a person can afford charity but as a citizen of this world one should always look to give when they have more than what they need. Let us now look at the top ten reasons to donate to charity.

10. Grow your own self worth

Donating to charity will help a person add to their own self worth. It is not often that one gets a chance to help a fellow being but when a person does get a chance it is a fulfilling exercise. It can help increase a person’s self worth in many ways. However it should not be out of the need for self worth that one should donate, instead it should be a sincere desire to help someone in need.

9. Helps earn respect

Donations can help you earn respect in many areas. Philanthropy is a noble act that only people with a good heart can fall into and it also earns you a lot of respect from your peers and society in general. Other than that it will also earn you the undying respect of the people or organizations that you donate to.

8. Charity boosts motivation

Charity will help you boost your own motivation to go further in life. A lot of people all around the world work diligently towards the charities that they have an interest in. Since it is a very fulfilling act to give, it will help you add to your own personal motivation too. People who donate are often driven to donate more and a person can only donate more if they have more.

7. An opportunity to give something back

Charity is a wonderful opportunity to give back to the world that we take so much from. Charity can be given to your old community, your old school or even your old neighborhood. It is also a sign that you have not forgotten where you come from and are grateful to your past.

6. Charity reflects on your own inner values

For many people charity is a direct reflection of their own inner values. It is a deeply fulfilling exercise to be able to give to a cause that you are passionate about. In many cases people reflect on their own troubles and give away to charities that they can relate to morally. It also offers an insight into your own self and the areas where you could improve and get help.

5. A great way to commemorate love

Love is a much needed emotion in today’s world and it is always welcomed. Love for a fellow being is a sublime emotion that everyone should inculcate. It is a great way of cashing in on your own moral savings. Many people donate to charities that they are passionate about, they also donate to remember a loved one or to remember their own troubles. It is one of the best ways to show the world that you do indeed care about something.

4. Great way to publicize oneself

Although it should not be the primary motive behind making any donation, it is a great way to publicize you. If you are planning on philanthropy then giving away to charity that you care about is a great way to let people know of your intentions. It is also a good way to get some positive reviews on you in society.

3. Helps you meet likeminded and interesting people

Donation simply does not mean that you give away something material. Many people volunteer for charities and spend time working at different organizations or even on their own. This form of charity is also a great way to give and you get to meet likeminded people who share the same interests.

2. Tax benefits

Tax benefits are also a big draw for people as a reason to donate. Most charitable acts are given tax rebates by governments all around the world and it is a good way to save up on some taxable income too. Most organizations that accept charity supply their benefactors with the tax saving options that they have beforehand which also lets you choose the charity that you would like to donate to.

1. Because you can

The most important reason of all as to why a you should donate to charity is because you can. People amass wealth and luxury all their lives but are unable to give it away to charity because of their own greed. It is important for everyone to see that the world that we live in is our mother in many ways and we should give back to her in whatever way we can. It is often seen that the people who don’t have much are the ones who are willing to give away the most. It is the duty of the privileged to help those that are underprivileged as it is the only way that we can make our home a better place to live in not just for ourselves but also for the future generations that are to come.

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