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Fun Ways to Use Toys to Teach Your Preschooler Math

Strong math skills are essential in today's world. They can be the ticket for your child to gain entry into a lucrative career field or to be a wise steward of his or her personal finances. No wonder so many parents are eager to get an early start in teaching their preschooler's math skills. The good news is that you don't have to stick with dry, boring flashcards and worksheets. Toddlers learn best through play and you probably have all the tools you need right in your toybox.

Cooking and Eating Toys

Think a toy kitchen is just good for pretend play? Think again. You can use your child's cookery toys to serve up a wide variety of math lessons, all while having fun! Here are just a few ideas:

1. Ask your child to divide up a quantity of food in equal amounts on each plate. For small children, this can simply be a lesson in counting and visualizing amounts. Older children can use it as a lesson in divisions, remainders and even fractions.

2. Look for toy foods that can be "cut" with a play knife such as the sets made by Melissa and Doug. This can help you teach halves, quarters and other fractions.

3. Your child will love opening their own restaurant and presenting you with bills! If you have a toy cash register and money, so much the better, but you can certainly use cash pulled out of an old Monopoly set. You can also play grocery store or bakery, whatever makes sense using the toys you have at hand and your child's interests.

Calendars and Charts

Charts and calendars aren't just useful for keeping track of things, they are also a great way to get your child familiar with numbers and how to compare quantities. There are many sturdy wooden versions with magnetic numbers and symbols that are easy for children aren't reading yet to use.

1. Make it a habit to use your calendar every day. This is a good way to help your child learn to recognize numbers. Counting down the days until a birthday or holiday is great practice and helps introduce the concept of subtraction.

2. Children can begin to learn how to compare quantities and the basics of percentages by using data from a chart or calendar to make a simple bar graph or pie chart. A popular way to do this is by noting the weather each day on your calendar and at the end of the week make a graph of how many days are sunny versus rainy.

3. Use your calendar or chart to introduce the concept of counting by twos, threes and so on. Think of activities you do every other day or once a week and let your child place the markers on the appropriate days.

Beads and Blocks

Wooden stringing beads and blocks have a place in every home with preschoolers! Not only are they terrific for developing fine motor skills, they can also give your child a leg up in mathematics.

1. Patterns are a very important concept in math. Use beads or blocks to make a simple pattern and have your child replicate it. Have your child make patterns for you to copy, too! You can introduce the concept of counting by various numbers by pointing out things like "every third bead is red".

2. Beads and blocks make very useful manipulatives for counting, adding and subtracting. You don't have to have a formal math lesson for this to work, instead incorporate counting into your regular play.

3. Sorting beads and blocks by shape or color helps children learn the concept of grouping. You can take it one step further by comparing quantities and even making graphs or charts from the results.

You can use almost any toy to help incorporate math into your child’s day. Counting, sorting, identifying patterns and comparing data are all easy ways to increase your child's familiarity with numbers and mathematical concepts so that they are ready and eager to tackle more advanced concepts once they being formal schooling.

As the proud parents of five pre-teen children, Carol and Jacob Maslow know quite a bit about the importance of play in a child's life. Carol is also a therapist who specializes in working with developmentally delayed preschoolers so that they can successfully integrate with their classmates. Jacob works for Today's Concept, where parents can find the highly regarded Melissa and Doug line of classic toys. Both firmly believe that the best toys don't use batteries.

Free Christmas Book Read by Santa

Have Santa personally read to your child for Christmas! A Story Before Bed is offering a free digital picture book story “For Christmas Day” read to your children by Santa.

To get your Free Christmas Book Read by Santa, just register with your email address and your child's name and then be on the lookout for a confirmation email.You MUST confirm your subscription in that e-mail.

You will then receive the message: "Thanks! The elves and Santa are hard at work getting your personalized recording ready. Please note: you won't receive your link to a recording of Santa reading to your child until mid-December."

A Story Before Bed is also offering you the opportunity to record “For Christmas Day” yourself for free (click on "Record your own story for free," bottom of their website). After you record the story, you can preview it before saving and access it at anytime. You can the share it on Facebook or have it e-mailed to friends and relatives. This is a wonderful way to have your loved ones who don’t live close by to read a Christmas story to your kids!

There are a limited number of personalized Santa recordings available, so hurry before supplies run out.

Upload text and picture direct from computer

There are bloggers who want to be able to prepare their posts including text and photos in their computer and upload it direct to Blogger. Some have tried using copy-paste from Microsoft WORD which obviously will not work.

Here is a solution - Windows Live Writer. To add a photo while in Windows Live Writer, either click the photo icon or use the INSERT drop-down menu as shown in the screen shot below:

If you wish, you can also add an album. Click PHOTO ALBUM. For this, you will have to have a Window Live ID and be logged in. Once logged in, click ADD PHOTO and browse to the photo in your computer you want to add to the album. Then click OPEN and the photo will be added to the album.

BlackBerry Imagines the Future, with Touch Holograms

Blackberry imagines a touch hologram
Just like Microsoft released a video for their sci-fi inspired imaginative future, Blackberry has jumped in with their own futuristic concept video, complete with plenty of touch screens and even touchable holograms.
I think these are fun to watch just to see what companies are imagining, but the main difference between Apple and Microsoft or Blackberry is that Apple is actively shipping things that lead us to believe this stuff is actually possible. The iPad, iPod touch, and iPhone feel like the future now, and they’re tangible. The other interesting thing to point out is that some features in the Blackberry video, like remote data wipe, are already in iOS 5, whereas it’s just a concept for RIM at the moment (as far as I know, I have no exposure to the Playbook).
The video comes via DaringFireball, who suggests that both Blackberry and Microsoft would be better served creating real products that can be used now, rather than fictional movies.
Anyway, enjoy the video, for conceptual reasons if nothing else:

Blackberry imagines a touch computer


Siri, iMessage, and AirPlay Coming to Mac OS X?

A future version of Mac OS X may bring iOS favorites Siri, iMessage, and AirPlay to Apple’s Mac lineup. Assuming the features are released, it’s unclear whether they will come as an update to Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, a purchase through the Mac App Store, or as part of Mac OS X 10.8.

iMessage & AirPlay for OS X?
Rumors of iMessage coming to Mac OS X started earlier in the year when code snippets were found that suggested iChat may get iMessage integration. 9to5mac has since heard that AirPlay and iMessage for the Mac are currently in development for OS X Lion.

Sources familiar with the future of Mac OS X say that AirPlay Mirroring and an iMessage application are currently in development. Although neither project may see the light of day, they are definitely on the table for release in future versions of OS X Lion.

AirPlay would allow a Mac user to wirelessly mirror their Mac display to an Apple TV, and video streaming would be integrated with QuickTime. 9to5mac indicates there is a possibility that iMessage will be released as a standalone product, rather than being integrated directly with the existing instant message client iChat. If standalone apps are released, it wouldn’t be surprising to have iMessage and AirPlay be downloads from the Mac App Store much like FaceTime was before it became bundled with the OS X 10.7 release.

Siri for Mac?
Bringing iMessage and AirPlay to the current version of OS X is similar to what Kevin Rose mentioned recently about Siri, who stated a rumor that the AI agent would be released for OS X Lion next year.

Separately, we’ve also heard an unverified claim that Siri could replace the existing Speech Recognition module and have ties into Spotlight for a future version of Mac OS X. Siri would offer a significant improvement in voice recognition, dictation, and a new way to search on the Mac platform.

Not Anytime Soon
While all of these claims are in the realm of obvious speculation, some features shouldn’t be expected to appear anytime soon. In all probability, Siri won’t be coming to any other hardware, be it iOS or Mac based, until the next generation iPhone is released. The reason may simply come down to marketing, with Siri being a prominent feature ofcommercials for the iPhone 4S, it’s unlikely that Apple would dilute a key marketing component of the 4S by spreading the technology around to other hardware.

Other Siri related rumors suggest the AI agent would act as the remote control on a potential Apple television set.

(Siri & iMessage graphics on this page are mockups)

Side note: even without iMessage, you can send SMS through iChat right now just by using AIM or Google Chat and messaging a phone number prefixed with a +, although standard SMS rates apply for the recipient.

Speed up a slow Terminal by clearing log files

mac os x terminalThe Mac OS X Terminal can become slow to launch over time, but there’s an easy solution to speed it up again.
By deleting the Apple System Logs, you can shave the lag in opening and launching new Terminal windows/tabs dramatically, in my case from about a three second delay to instantaneous!
Here’s how to delete the log files and gain your Terminal launch speed back:
At the command line, use the following:
cd /private/var/log/asl/
Now you’ll want to verify that you are in the proper directory by listing the .asl log files:
ls *.asl
Finally, if only .asl files turn up as the result, type the following command to delete them:
sudo rm !$
Update: we adjusted the above commands per user comment, it is now safer for more novice users. Here’s the old command maintained for posterity, it’s been struck out because it’s a bit more risky for beginners to follow:
At the command line type the following:
cd /private/var/log/asl/
then, inside that directory, type:
sudo rm -rf *.asl
Warning: be absolutely certain that you only type the sudo rm -rf command INSIDE the /var/log/asl/ directory! rm -rf * deletes all files in a directory, no questions asked, so if you perform that task in the wrong directory (like home folder) you are going to have a serious problem! I’m assuming you have moderate experience in the command line environment – if you do not, you probably won’t need this tip anyway.
Update: As Marc points out in the comments, it’s safer to specify deleting only the log files. Above command has been altered to reflect this. An alternative and shorter command is this one:
sudo rm -rf /private/var/log/asl/*.asl

Apple iTV Powered with Siri to be Released by 2013

Apple is working on a real television set (iTV?) that utilize the artificial intelligence agentSiri as the controller, according to a new report from The New York Times. They go so far as to say prototypes are already underway, and that “it’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when“, suggesting that Apple may announce the product in 2012 with a release of the TV by 2013.

A Siri based remote control system is described as follows:

It’s the stuff of science fiction. You sit on your couch and rather than fumble with several remotes or use hand gestures, you simply talk: “Put on the last episode of Gossip Girl.” “Play the local news headlines.” “Play some Coldplay music videos.” Siri does the rest.

Of course this experience goes beyond just playing TV shows or the local news. As the line between television programming and Web content continues to erode, a Siri-powered television would become more necessary. You aren’t going to want to flip through file folders or baskets of content, checking off what you want. Telling Siri to “play videos of cute cats falling asleep” would return an endless YouTube stream of adorable napping fur balls.

The NY Times mentions they first heard of plans for an Apple television a year ago, and that the project has been in some stage of development since 2007 when the iPhone and first Apple TV box was released. Why the wait until 2013? Other than refining the intelligence of Siri, Apple has been waiting for large flat panel displays to become cheap enough to be reasonably priced for the consumer.

News and rumors of an Apple television set have exploded over the last week after comments made by the recent Steve Jobs to his biographer proclaimed that he had‘cracked’ the TV, which the NYT says is a reference to using Siri AI as a replacement for the remote. This was soon followed up by reports that the creator of iTunes is leading the project.

Siri is currently only available to iPhone 4S users, but is widely expected to make appearances across the Apple lineup down the road, including in Mac OS X and the iPad.

Resize Safari Windows While in Full Screen Mode

Like using Safari in Lion‘s full-screen mode? You can resize the viewing pane of a full-screened Safari window by dragging the cursor to the far left or right edges, grabbing, and pulling in. This lets you reduce the white space and width of browser windows while still retaining the full screen view.

This is a helpful little trick for web developers with a full window open on one screen while coding in another, or if you want to hide those obnoxious background take-over ads that are popular on gaming websites and IMDB, amongst others.

Thanks for sending in the tip Ashley!

G-Power BMW M3 Tornado RS 2011

The resulting modified V8 then meets the latest evolution of the world’s best-known components of G-POWER M3 “Sporty Drive” Supercharger Systems. At its heart is the flagship of the ASA Centrifugal Supercharger product line – the powerful ASA T1-723. A maximum pressure of 0.5 bar can now be achieved and feeds air to the BMW V8’s individual throttle butterflies through the use of the optional carbon fiber airbox. Weighing in at just 4 kg, the G-POWER Carbon Fiber Airbox is nearly 8 kg lighter than the standard cast-aluminum variant. A tailor-made cooling system for the SK III Supercharger System increases the capacity of the oil and water cooling circuits of the V8 engine to keep temperatures in check.

A titanium exhaust system made specifically for G-POWER ensures that exhaust gases are discharged quickly and with minimum back pressure. This system features free-flowing 100 cpsi metallic catalytic converters.

When prepared with these options, the G-POWER M3 TORNADO RS produces a peak output of 720hp and 700Nm of torque. That is enough to catapult the G-POWER M3 TORNADO RS to 100 km/h in just 3.7 seconds. From a standstill to 200 km/h it takes just 9.5 seconds. Power and drag reach equilibrium at a maximum speed in excess of 330 km/h.

When it comes to suspension systems, the G-POWER M3 TORNADO RS is fitted with the G-POWER CLUBSPORT coil-over suspension and weight-optimized 20-inch G-POWER SILVERSTONE CLUBSPORT forged wheels. The tires are Michelin Super Sport tires in the dimension 255/30 ZR 20 on the front axle and 295/25 ZR 20 for the rear axle to keep the vehicle in contact with the road. Braking is done with the G-POWER-ceramic brakes on the front and rear axle, which provide low-weight and reliable high-performance braking. “Fade” is therefore a foreign word for the 6-piston brake calipers in front which bite on 396 mm rotors and the 4-piston calipers at the rear axle which clamp on 380 mm rotors.

Get a Calendar in the Mac OS X Menu Bar with Day-O, a Date & Time Replacement

One of my longstanding peeves with Mac OS X is the lack of a pull-down calendar in the menubars default Date & Time settings. If you click on the time, instead of seeing something useful like a calendar or more date/time details, you just have options to set an analog clock or open Preferences. I’ll stop complaining, because now a little app called Day-O solves that problem. Day-O offers an attractive and functional replacement to OS X’s Date & Time, plus it’s free to download.

Download it from the developers site

For best results, I’d recommend disabling the default clock and just using Day-O, here’s how:
Open “System Preferences” from the  Apple menu
Choose “Date & Time” under the ‘System’ group
Click on the “Clock” tab and uncheck the box next to “Show date and time in menu bar”

Now you won’t need to open up iCal every time you just want to see what day of the week a certain falls on. And yes, you can disable the little miniature date icon too.

Random trivia: the app is named after a Harry Belefonte song. Nice find byDaringFireball

Update: The app is still free to download but the developer stopped the direct download link. Go to the website and you can still get it for free. Sorry for the inconvenience, we reached out to the dev and are waiting to hear back.

BMW 5 ActiveHybrid 2012

The chassis specifications of the BMW 5 ActiveHybrid include a double-wishbone front axle and integral rear axle, electromechanical power steering including the Servotronic speed-sensitive power assist function, a high-performance brake system and 17-inch alloy wheels. Dynamic Damper Control, featuring electronically controlled damping, is optionally available. The Dynamic Stability Control (DSC) system, which stabilises the vehicle by applying braking pressure and reducing engine power, also incorporates functions such as Dynamic Traction Control (DTC), the Anti-lock Braking System (ABS), Cornering Brake Control (CBC), Dynamic Brake Control (DBC), Brake Assist, Fading Compensation, a Dry Braking function and Start-Off Assistant.

The BMW 5 ActiveHybrid brings together a BMW TwinPower Turbo six-cylinder in-line engine, an electric drive system and an eight-speed automatic gearbox for the first time. The latest generation of BMW ActiveHybrid technology also adds precisely controlled – and therefore extremely effective – energy management to the mix. All of which gives the BMW 5 ActiveHybrid an exceptional balance of performance and fuel economy for the premium executive car class. Its drive system generates combined output of 250 kW/340 hp, allows the car to be driven on electric power alone up to 60 km/h (37 mph), accelerates the BMW 5 ActiveHybrid from 0 to 100 km/h (62 mph) in 5.9 seconds, limits average fuel consumption to between 6.4 and 7.0 litres per 100 kilometres (44 – 40 mpg imp) and has CO2 emissions of just 149 – 163 grams per kilometre (figures according to EU test cycle, may vary according to the tyre format specified).


City stroll to win at Villarreal

Yaya Toure struck twice as Manchester City enhanced their hopes of Champions League progress with a convincing 3-0 win at Villarreal.

Mario Balotelli, making his first appearance in the competition this season, was also on target from the penalty spot as City recorded back-to-back wins over the Spaniards to move second in Group A.

It was a result that rarely seemed in doubt as City dominated at El Madrigal but of possible concern to them was the sight of the influential David Silva leaving the field clutching his back.

Otherwise Mancini's only headache may have been the physical one he received when jumping up and banging himself on the roof of the dugout during the first half.

Aside from a nervy opening couple of minutes, City controlled the game throughout and, after patiently awaiting their first goal on 30 minutes, never looked like yielding.

Their hopes of reaching the knockout stage could still hinge on their next vital away assignment at Napoli but they at least now have a two-point advantage over the Italians and a win will make certain.

Until tonight, City's imperious domestic form had not been matched in Europe and they were again uncertain at the start.

Villarreal were determined to give the visitors as little time in possession as possible and pressed City into an early mistake.

Jonathan de Guzman seized the ball in midfield and fed Hernan Perez but his long-range shot was easily claimed by Joe Hart.

It was a positive start by the injury-ravaged Spaniards, whose form in their own domestic competition has been poor.

City did manage to get hold of possession for good spells but it soon became apparent they would have to be patient against the resilient hosts.

It was not until the 20th minute they seriously threatened when Samir Nasri fired wide.

The home supporters were incensed as City were allowed to build an attack while a Villarreal player was off the field and they whistled even louder as Silva won a free-kick outside the box.

After some arguments and bookings for Wakaso Mubarak and Balotelli, Silva stepped up to take the set-piece and curled into the wall.

Yet Silva, a former hero at nearby Valencia, remained the dangerman and stole possession from the feet of Perez to set up the opening goal for Toure on the half-hour.

The dynamic Ivorian raced through as Silva slid a perfect pass into the box and opened his body to sidefoot past Diego Lopez with cool precision.

Villarreal tried to respond but De Guzman horribly sliced a shot into the crowd from a promising position.

Nasri had a similar opportunity at the other end but failed to make a clean connection and Lopez was not troubled.

De Guzman hit another shot with greater accuracy but it was straight at Hart.

City doubled their lead from the penalty spot in time added on at the end of the first half after Mateo Musacchio clipped the ankles of Balotelli.

Villarreal protested but Balotelli held his nerve - despite apparent attempts from someone in the crowd to put him off with a laser pen - and firmly dispatched a low shot after stuttering in his run-up.

Mancini returned for the second half with an ice pack on his head but his team were not in any discomfort.

City carried their dominance into the second half, Silva wining another free-kick in dangerous territory after a menacing run but Balotelli's shot was deflected wide.

Nasri then found more space but skewed a low shot wide.

Villarreal seemed broken and had little to offer aside from a tame shot from former West Brom midfielder Borja Valero that Hart claimed easily.

Silva, who had caused the hosts numerous problems, was withdrawn by Mancini midway through the second half, possibly because of injury, to a generous ovation from all sides of the ground.

City carried on without him, Toure claiming his second after 71 minutes with a goal that made the game look all too easy.

Nasri fed Balotelli down the left and the striker looked up to pass inside for Toure, who casually glided past Jose Catala before stroking the ball past Lopez.

It proved Toure's last involvement with Mancini replacing him with Aguero moments later.

Aguero, accused of mocking Villarreal players after his late winner against them a fortnight ago, found himself jeered as he ran on.

The game was long won for City and it almost became a training exercise as they wound down the closing minutes and the ground emptied.

Ranger charged with assault

Newcastle forward Nile Ranger has been charged with assault after an alleged attack that left a man fearing he had a broken jaw.

The 20-year-old forward will face magistrates twice in two days - and three times this month - following arrests for violence, drink-driving and being drunk and disorderly.

London-born Ranger has yet to enter pleas to any of the charges.

A Northumbria Police spokesman said: "Following an assault outside Cosy Joe's pub in the Bigg Market, Newcastle, on Saturday August 27 police have today charged Nile Ranger, 20, of Forest Hall, with two counts of common assault and two counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

"He has been bailed to appear at Newcastle Magistrates' Court on Friday November 18."

Police questioned the striker for more than four hours on Sunday after he was arrested in the early hours of the morning in Newcastle's Cathedral Square, near the city's Tup Tup Palace nightclub.

He is due before Newcastle magistrates on November 17, for being drunk and disorderly.

That arrest came just days after Ranger learned he will face court action, on November 10, for an alleged drink-driving offence.

The troubled forward, who has only just been reinstated to first-team training after a three-month exile in the reserves, was told to find a new club in the summer after several warnings about his discipline.

A Newcastle spokesman declined to comment on Wednesday.

Thomas to stand down at RFU

The RFU's acting chief executive Martyn Thomas is to leave his post on December 16 following a board meeting at Twickenham.

The 67-year-old's position has come under increasing scrutiny in recent months in the wake of the firing of former chief executive John Steele in June following a botched attempt to recruit a performance director.

Stephen Brown, the union's chief financial officer, will take over from Thomas as acting chief executive next month until a full-time appointment is made.

An RFU statement read: "Martyn Thomas has decided to leave his post as RFU acting chief executive officer (CEO) on December 16, 2011 following the end of his contract

"RFU chief financial officer Stephen Brown, in addition to continuing to fulfil his current responsibilities, will become RFU acting CEO on December 16, 2011 until the start date of a new permanent CEO."

Thomas, who has been on the RFU board for six years, will also lose his post as the chairman of Rugby World Cup 2015, which England will host. He will also step down from his positions on the International Rugby Board Council and Six Nations Committee, as well as his directorship of European Rugby Cup Ltd.

A further consequence will be that the Thomas-commissioned Cotton Review, which was to be led by former Lions prop Fran Cotton to look into England's poor recent World Cup performance, will not take place.

Instead the RFU will hold an independent review once the Professional Game Board, which represents senior clubs and players, completes its own assessment.

Thomas said: "It has been an honour to be part of the Union, most particularly for the past six months as acting chief executive where I have been lucky enough to get to know better the RFU staff who work tirelessly for the good of the game. Stephen Brown for one has been a phenomenal addition to the executive team and, having got to know him very well over the last few months, I have total faith that he will provide the stability and leadership needed at this important time.

"I feel that now is the right time to spend more time with my family. As a result I have decided not to renew my contract at its conclusion in December."

The decision is the latest step in a tumultuous sequence of events for the RFU following Steele's exit after just nine months in his post.

Judge Jeff Blackett, the RFU's disciplinary officer, was asked to produce a report on Steele's sacking and his findings were highly critical of Thomas, who threatened Blackett with legal action if the report were to be published.

Thomas had previously survived two votes of no confidence from members of the RFU council and had stepped down from his position of chairman, which has since been filled by Paul Murphy.

Reports prior to Wednesday's meeting had suggested that more than 100 of the RFU's member clubs had called for Thomas to be removed in a letter to Murphy, threatening to do so via the means of a Special General Meeting if the board would not act.

Murphy said: "On behalf of the RFU I would like to thank Martyn for his contribution and dedication to rugby and the Union over the years, particularly in his last six as chairman and latterly as acting chief executive.

"He has been an integral part of the growth of the Union and the game, as well as securing the 2015 Rugby World Cup for England as hosts.

"I know he will continue to support the Union with all his efforts until his contract ends.

"As a sport we face some exciting and challenging times leading up to 2015, which will be a massive opportunity for the game in this country and as a Union it is important that the leadership structure is in place as soon as possible.

"The recruitment of a new chief executive is well under way with an appointment expected by December 14.

"The board has been hugely impressed with Stephen Brown since he joined. He is a great asset and we are fortunate to have someone of his calibre to lead the Union in this period."

Redknapp surgery a success

Tottenham manager Harry Redknapp has successfully undergone a heart procedure to unblock coronary arteries, the club have confirmed.

Redknapp, 64, is in "excellent spirits" and is due to be discharged from hospital in the next 48 hours, according to Tottenham.

Spurs chairman Daniel Levy said: "We are delighted the operation went so smoothly and successfully.

"Knowing Harry he will want to rush back, but it's important that he only does so when he has recovered properly."

Levy said Redknapp had asked for his thanks to be passed to fans who had sent goodwill messages.

Tottenham confirmed on Tuesday night that the former West Ham manager was set to undergo a "medical procedure" that would rule him out of the club's trip to Rubin Kazan this week.

Assistant manager Kevin Bond and first-team coach Joe Jordan will take charge of the team for tomorrow night's Europa League match in Russia.

Redknapp lives in Bournemouth and makes the 250-mile round trip to the club's training ground most days along with Bond.

The former Portsmouth manager, who has been in charge of Spurs for three years, admitted in March 2010 that he had started talking heart pills upon the advice of his doctors, but stressed it was not a major problem.

Writing in his Sun column, Redknapp then said: "About a year ago I needed to take heart pills and I am still taking them regularly... I am absolutely fine and have no worries about my health but this game can make the most mild-mannered of people explode as when you are sitting on the bench you get eaten up inside from first to last whistle."

On the stresses of management he added: "After a game I cannot sleep, there is too much going on in my head as I go over moves, think about game plans, think about which player has had a good or bad game - and it's worse if you lose."

Redknapp has been a big success since swapping Portsmouth for White Hart Lane in October 2008.

He earned the club qualification to the Champions League for the first time in their history in 2009 before taking Spurs to the quarter-finals of the competition last season.

The club missed out on qualifying for this year's Champions League, but currently look set to challenge for a top-four place after going on a seven-match unbeaten run which has taken them to fifth.

Redknapp's exploits at the north London club have made him the favourite to succeed Fabio Capello as England manager when the Italian steps down next summer.

Redknapp is not the first football manager in recent times to have problems with his heart.

Gerard Houllier had to have an 11-hour emergency aortic dissection after experiencing heart problems at half-time during Liverpool's game against Leeds in 2001, and the Frenchman required a similar operation last season when in charge of Aston Villa.

The former Lyon manager, who like Redknapp is 64 years old, returned to manage Liverpool after five months out, but he did not take charge of another game at Villa following his most recent heart scare and left the midlands club in the summer.

Manchester United boss Sir Alex Ferguson had a pacemaker fitted in 2004, but was back at work the following day.

West Ham boss Sam Allardyce underwent a heart procedure while in charge of Blackburn in 2009, and Joe Kinnear had a triple-heart bypass earlier in the same year while at Newcastle.

Seasiders spank 10-man Leeds

Goalkeeper Paul Rachubka was taken off at half-time after a pair of costly errors sent 10-man Leeds spiralling to a 5-0 home loss to Blackpool.

Jonjo Shelvey notched a hat-trick for Blackpool and Lomana Lua Lua bagged a brace on his first start for the club, but despite banishing consecutive defeats with an at-times swashbuckling display, Ian Holloway's men had more than a little help from Rachubka.

Signed after his release by Blackpool this summer, Rachubka has endured a tough introduction to the United first team since Andy Lonergan suffered a fractured finger last month.

He was publicly backed by boss Simon Grayson after a mistake handed Coventry a 1-1 draw at Elland Road, but his shaky form has continued and his manager was in less conciliatory mood as 18-year-old Alex Cairns was handed his professional debut at the start of the second half.

Following Lua Lua's opener he spilt a routine catch, leading to Tom Lees' dismissal for deliberate handball and Shelvey's first from the penalty spot.

On-loan Liverpool playmaker Shelvey found his second goal amid more gift-wrapping as Rachubka dropped a Lua Lua shot at his feet.

Blackpool's leading lights added a goal apiece in the second half to make it an uncomfortable night for Grayson against the club he left in acrimonious circumstances in December 2008.

Despite starting on the back foot Leeds had the game's first opening when Blackpool goalkeeper Matt Gilks failed to hold a Robert Snodgrass free-kick from deep on the right flank.

Patrick Kisnorbo, starting in place of head injury victim Darren O'Dea, reacted quickest in a crowded penalty area but was thwarted first by Gilks and then centre-back Craig Cathcart.

Blackpool sprung up the other end to open the scoring as Stephen Crainey's delightful through ball released Shelvey in the inside-left position. His shot was parried by Rachubka towards Lua Lua who slotted home the 13th minute rebound.

The Seasiders doubled their advantage in farcical circumstances after 27 minutes. Rachubka dropped a routine cross from Alex Baptiste, Ludovic Sylvestre looked to pounce and Lees handled the goalbound shot to receive his marching orders.

Shelvey emphatically finished from the spot only for referee Roger East to rule out the effort for encroachment.

Unruffled, Shelvey calmly stroked his second effort beyond Rachubka's dive into the bottom corner, and the former Charlton youngster would benefit from an even simpler opportunity four minutes later.

Lua Lua drove speculatively from 25 yards and Rachubka spilt the shot, leaving Shelvey to round the prone, beleaguered goalkeeper and make it three.

Academy product Cairns was then given a raucous reception as he commenced his warm-up and a section of the home fans made their feelings clear 10 minutes before half-time, booing as Rachubka received a backpass.

The introduction of Luciano Becchio and Cairns briefly buoyed Leeds as the second half began.

Gilks rushed from his line to avert the danger as Adam Clayton burst through the Seasiders' defence, and top scorer Ross McCormack had a shot blocked, with optimistic penalty shouts falling on deaf ears.

Cairns received his second ovation of the night following a routine save from Shelvey, but he was left with no chance in the 65th minute when Lua Lua cut inside Paul Connelly and lashed into the top corner.

Substitute Martinez Angel then played through Shelvey to clinically complete his hat-trick with 12 minutes remaining.

Leeds' misery was complete, a six-match unbeaten home run left in tatters.

Bluebirds seal win with a Kiss

Filip Kiss scored his first goal for Cardiff in a convincing 3-0 win at lacklustre Derby which moved the Welsh club into the play-off places.

The Rams' unbeaten run of four home games was ended with aplomb by a vigorous Bluebirds performance, Slovakian Kiss opening the scoring in the first half.

The second half saw Kevin Kilbane turn the ball into his own net and Peter Whittingham slot home a regulation third as Cardiff produced their first away win since the opening day of the season.

Cardiff struggled to assert any authority in the opening stages and their blushes were spared when an unmarked Jason Shackell failed to connect with Ben Davies's dangerous free-kick.

But against the initial run of play, the visitors went ahead in the 20th minute and did not look back.

Ben Turner teased a ball across the Derby backline to Kiss, who dug out a dipping drive to beat Frank Fielding at his near post.

Craig Conway might have doubled the advantage immediately when Kenny Miller dummied the ball into his path, but Fielding was on hand to smother the shot.

The Rams tried to respond through Jamie Ward, but the winger's shot was saved by David Marshall.

Right-back Russell Anderson was then forced off after 30 minutes through injury, with Jake Buxton his replacement.

But the visitors also suffered an injury blow of their own when Marshall failed to re-emerge after the break following a first-half knock. Tom Heaton took his place.

Cardiff were first to threaten after the interval as Aron Gunnarsson launched a dipping drive from distance that rippled the top of Fielding's net, before Conway slammed a snapshot across the goalmouth and wide.

Turner arrived to head into Fielding's hands and Whittingham saw his powerful shot blocked by Jeff Hendrick before the hour mark as the home team retreated further into their shells.

A rare foray forward saw a good chance wasted, Shackell rising to meet Davies's corner but nodding agonisingly over the crossbar, and the sucker punch arrived in the 61st minute.

Whittingham whipped in a regulation corner which a disorientated Kilbane headed into the roof of his own net.

Nigel Clough then withdrew 15-year-old striker Mason Bennett, who was making only his second senior start. His replacement Callum Ball's first act was a left-footed drive that dipped just over Heaton's crossbar.

However, it was too little too late and in the 73rd minute Kiss supplied Whittingham just inside the area for the ex-Birmingham man to fire home with ease.

Hendrick tried a speculative drive, blocked by Gunnarsson, as Derby sought a consolation goal in the final 10 minutes.

Substitute Tomasz Cywka gave Heaton something to do with a pacy effort five minutes from time, but the battle was lost.

Lohan sentenced to 30 days in jail

Lindsay Lohan has been sentenced to 30 days in jail after pleading guilty to violating the terms of her probation.

The Mean Girls star appeared before Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Stephanie Sautner on Wednesday and confessed to skipping 14 of her 19 court-ordered therapy appointments.

The actress had been ordered to complete 120 hours of community service and undergo counselling following a necklace theft conviction earlier this year, while she was already on probation for a 2007 DUI incident.

However, Lohan repeated failed to show up for her community service term at the Downtown Women's Shelter in L.A., and she was subsequently booted from the programme.

On Wednesday, the star also admitted that she had not fulfilled the terms of her therapy requirements, prompting Judge Sautner to hand down the punishment and order her to report to jail by 9 November. Unlike earlier this year, she will not be eligible for house arrest.

The judge also demanded Lohan serve out the remainder of her community service at the Los Angeles County Morgue, where she has been putting in time following a probation progress hearing last month.

The actress must complete all of her probation requirements by 29 March. If Lohan fails to do so, Judge Sautner warned she would issue a warrant for her arrest and throw her behind bars for an additional 270 days.

A relieved Lohan appeared content with the sentence and was heard muttering "Thank God" under her breath as she walked out of court.

2011 Ford F-150 EcoBoost by Skyjacker Suspensions

The “Project No Compromise” is geared toward drivers who want to go green without sacrificing performance. A Skyjacker Suspensions four-inch lift and monotube shocks help boost chassis performance, while a MagnaFlow cat-back dual exhaust system upgrades the powertrain. A Steelcraft stainless steel grille guard, Rigid Industries e-series 30-inch LED light bar and Bushwacker two-inch pocket-style fender flares distinguish this truck.

2011 Ford F-150 EcoBoost by Skyjacker Suspensions

The “Project No Compromise” is geared toward drivers who want to go green without sacrificing performance. A Skyjacker Suspensions four-inch lift and monotube shocks help boost chassis performance, while a MagnaFlow cat-back dual exhaust system upgrades the powertrain. A Steelcraft stainless steel grille guard, Rigid Industries e-series 30-inch LED light bar and Bushwacker two-inch pocket-style fender flares distinguish this truck.

Serial Killer Gacy Linked To More Murders

Detectives are investigating whether one of America's most notorious serial killers could have been responsible for more murders.

The investigation into the crimes of John Wayne Gacy has been reopened in the hope that DNA technology can put names to victims who were never identified.

Gacy killed 34 young men and boys between 1972 and 1978 and buried most of them in the cellar at his home.

He was convicted in 1980 and executed in 1994.

Sheriffs in Cook County, Illinois, have obtained exhumation orders for bodies of eight victims who were never identified and hope to find DNA matches with relatives of young men who went missing in the area in the 1970s.

Dozens have already come forward and detectives are looking into unsolved murders in 14 states and across the border in Canada.

Former detective Joseph Kozenczak, who helped catch Gacy, has said he believes there are more victims.

He told USA Today: "There's no question about it in my mind."

Gacy, who owned his own building business, often posed as a police officer to attract his victims.

He was dubbed the 'Killer Clown' because he had appeared as a clown called Pogo.

The new investigation has already produced one remarkable result - a man who was believed to have been one of Gacy's victims has turned up alive and well in Florida.

Harold Wayne Lovell was reunited with his family for first time since he left his Chicago home in 1977 after police, preparing a DNA test for his family, discovered a recent police booking photo for him.

Lovell, who is now 53, described the reunion with his family as "awesome".

A team of detectives is now working on the case and potential DNA matches have been identified for young men who disappeared in other states.

Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart says it is "beyond preposterous" that Gacy stopped killing when he was not in Illinois.

He said: "We're not going to be surprised if we find we're solving some missing persons cases."

2011 Ford F-150 by CGS Performance

This “Tarmac” F-150 offers unique and sleek styling with a custom aluminum hood, DuPont Jet Black paint and Boyd Red finish by Andy Meeh, Paramount Restyling grille and Colorado Custom billet wheels. The interior offers red leather from Pecca Leather, VizuaLogic headrest monitors and Seat Belt Planet red seat belts. Powertrain and chassis also get a boost from a CGS Performance cat-back exhaust and cold-air intake, Whipple twin-screw supercharger, Bell Tech front coilover suspension and six-piston Baer brakes with 15-inch rotors.

Greece: Bailout Funds Held Until After Vote

Greece will not receive any more money from the eurozone emergency bailout fund until after its referendum, the leaders of France and Germany warned ahead of a G20 summit set to be dominated by the fallout from the decision.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who is hosting the meeting in Cannes, said: "We said clearly to the Greek authorities that the EU, like the IMF, cannot envisage paying the sixth tranche until Greece has adopted the package and all uncertainty has been lifted.

"We cannot commit the money of taxpayers ... until the rules that were agreed on October 27 are respected. Without that, neither Europe nor the IMF can pay a single cent."

European leaders agreed a deal last Thursday that would see banks accept a 50% writedown of Greece's debt, higher than the 40% they had originally offered.

It would also increase the 440bn euro (£386bn) bailout fund to around 1trn euro (£876bn).

But Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou's decision to put the deal to the people sent stock and bond markets across the world falling.

Speaking after emergency talks with Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday, Mr Papandreou said he was confident that his people would accept the EU bailout plan in the vote set for December 4.

"I believe the Greek people are wise and capable of making the right decision for the benefit of our country," he said.

"We are part of the eurozone and we are proud to be part of the eurozone."

Some of Greece's ministers said they had expressed reservations about the referendum but decided to support the government ahead of a key confidence vote expected in parliament on Friday.

Ms Merkel made it clear that, although she wished Greece would remain in the eurozone, the outcome of the referendum, whatever the question, would affect whether it was able to stay in the bloc.

"The euro as a whole must remain stable. We would prefer to ensure this with Greece rather than without it. But the top priority is stability," she said.

Mr Sarkozy's office said several eurozone leaders attending the G20, including the Spanish and Italian prime ministers, would meet on Thursday morning in Cannes to review the situation.

Major Asian economies warned Europe to tackle the crisis before it has a serious impact on economies elsewhere in the world.

China's deputy finance minister Zhu Guangyao said: "Like our European friends, we did not expect the Greek (call for a) referendum. It was an independent decision taken by Greece. I hope this period of uncertainty would be contained."

The White House said US President Barack Obama wanted "unanimity of purpose" to emerge from the G20 and White House spokesman Jay Carney said the situation would be a key subject.

Facebook 'could detect outbreaks'

Twitter and Facebook could be used to help detect outbreaks of disease and other phenomena, academics say.

The social network sites provide snapshots of people's lives and researchers at Bristol University have examined whether the power of Twitter and Facebook can be harnessed to predict future events.

Professor Nello Cristianini and Vasileios Lampos at the university's Intelligent Systems Laboratory conducted the research on Twitter using two case studies - rainfall and the outbreak of flu.

In the case of flu, over several months the researchers were able to gather a database of more than 50 million geographically based tweets, which could then be compared with official NHS regional data.

The researchers deployed state-of-the art technology to figure out which keywords in the database of tweets were associated with elevated levels of flu.

In this way they were able to create a predictive model that transformed keyword incidence in tweets into an estimate of the severity of flu in that area and predict whether an epidemic was emerging.

Prof Cristianini said: "Twitter, in particular, encouraged their 200 million users worldwide to make their posts, commonly known as tweets, publicly available as well as tagged with the user's location.

"Our research has demonstrated a method, by using the content of Twitter, to track an event, when it occurs and the scale of it.

"We were able to turn geo-tagged user posts on the microblogging service of Twitter to topic-specific geo-located signals by selecting textual features that showed the content and understanding of the text."

The findings are published online in the academic journal ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology.

2011 Ford Explorer by Stitchcraft Interiors

This “Business Edition” Explorer makes the most of craftsmanship and details with a Stitchcraft Interiors custom interior with Alcantara® leather seating, interior accents and door panels and Orion Car Audio amps, speakers and wiring. Stitchcraft Interiors study trays are matched to the interior and accents. The exterior offers a Seaside Collision two-tone paint scheme with charcoal and orange side graphics.