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How to Find a Top Rated Affiliate Program?

Fact: 90% of affiliate marketers will NEVER make $100 in ANY given year, in total for ALL of their hard work. Most will give up, throw in the towel, and simply settle for a more modest lifestyle.
You have, in my view....a choice. You can master:

"I know VERY little about pay per click (although I do run a few successful small campaigns daily), prefer NOT to do a lot of JV's due to my inability to play well with others, which leaves me, really.....ONLY free traffic strategies to fall back on."

And you know what? It's a pretty fluffy fall.

Do you know I can go into a brand new niche, ANY day of the week ( and twice on Sunday) and create COPIOUS amounts of compelling copy and content that converts like crazy....simply by sitting down, getting focused and hammering on my keyboard until my fingers hurt?

It's true...and so can you. Article marketing is my FAVORITE strategy for free traffic, and it's gives me SUCH an unfair advantage against my PPC spending friends that I ALMOST feel bad.

Did you know that in the past year, (actually about 8 months) in ONE single, solitary niche, with ONE single pen name (of which we have, and I use, many of each) I SAVED over $50,000.00 in pay per click traffic alone JUST from articles submitted on EzineArticles.com? And that does NOT include all of the OTHER places that same content was picked up, and published in every nook, cranny and cubby hole around the web for this one niche. I have another......that the savings is close to 6 figures, if I were to have been promoting the offer through simple PPC alone.

Of course you didn't know that - if you did, it would mean you were looking in my AdWords account for the estimation on what that traffic would have cost me if I PAID for it (as many, many others do) and I'd have to report you and probably get a restraining order for poking around in my stuff. The key takeaway is, where OTHERS are spending a buck a click and MORE for top positioning on the prime keywords for this niche....I sent the affiliate offer I'm promoting over 50 THOUSAND hits in less than a year for free.

And so TOO can you if you are FINALLY ready to give up on the gurus, and make 2009 the year you take control of your online business and start SMART for a change. I know I will!

Belajar Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Apa itu SEO? SEO atau Search Engine Optimization adalah kiat atau teknik yang digunakan untuk melakukan optimasi search engine agar web atau blog terindex oleh mesin pencari atau Search Engine dan mendapat peringkat rangking di mesin pencari tersebut. SEO ini sangat penting karena bisa mendatangkan pengunjung secara gratis melalu mesin pencari, ujung-ujungnya kesempatan mendapatkan uang dari internet akan lebih besar. Iklan yang dipajang dan produk yang dijual mempunyai peluang lebih besar kalau situs Anda terindek di halaman pertama mesin pencari. Sasaran inilah yang ingin kita capai dengan Belajar SEO ini.

Modal awal teknik Belajar SEO ini adalah Riset Online. Karena sebelum menerapkan teknik SEO, diperlukan riset untuk mengetahui Target Pengunjung, Kata Kunci yang tepat, Pesaing dan faktor lainnya. Setelah mendapatkan hasil riset online ini, baru melakukan tahapan teknik SEO. Tahapan SEO ini bisa dibedakan 2 tahapan penting, yaitu teknik SEO On-Page (pengoptimisasian pada situs) dan teknik SEO Off-Page (pengoptimisasian di luar situs). Anda masih minat khan Belajar SEO … ikuti terus blog bisnis247 ini.

SEO On-Page

Tahapan pertama dalam Belajar SEO adalah Belajar SEO On-Page. SEO On-Page ini merupakan teknik pengoptimisasian pada blog sendiri. Hal-hal yang termasuk dalam SEO On-Page ini secara garis besarnya adalah Keyword (kata kunci), Meta Tags dan Isi Situs (konten). Saat crawl search engine mengindex sebuah web atau blog, maka Search Engine akan mencari faktor-faktor pada setiap halaman situs antara lain:

  1. Title atau Judul Situs 
  2. Meta Tags 
  3. Heading 
  4. Konten (Isi situs), bisa artikel atau gambar. Konten memuat kira-kira 5% kata kunci. 
  5. Footer 
  6. Internal Link (link yang bertautan dengan halaman lain situs yang sama) 
  7. URL (alamat situs / alamat halaman situs) 
  8. Sitemap 
Lakukan optimisasi terhadap faktor-faktor di atas, usahakan mengandung kata kunci yang dibidik. Hal ini membantu peng-index-an situs sehingga meningkatkan peluang datangnya pengunjung melalui mesin pencari. Namun demikian ini baru tahapan pertama dalam Belajar SEO, masih ada lagi faktor yang sangat menentukan yaitu SEO Off-Page. Untuk itu juga Anda harus mau Belajar SEO Off-Page.

Vintage Moscow Beauty Contest Of 1989

In 1989 in Moscow the first international “Miss Charm” contest was held. Girls from Germany, Norway, Turkey, Poland and, of course, the USSR took part in it. The happy winner became a girl from Turkey.

Location: Moscow

Comics The Death Of Superman

Comics The Death Of Superman

The grand-daddy of them all, however, was Superman. The Death of Superman in 1992 was one of the biggest comics ever, the poly-bagged ‘death issue’ of Superman 75 selling an absurd number of copies, fuelling the speculator frenzy that would eventually cause a gigantic crash in the comics market, and also meaning that one of the biggest selling comic books of all time is a deeply silly story of Superman being punched by a man with rocks sticking out of his face (the oh-so-Nineties villain Doomsday). But, above everything else, The Death of Superman gained the title a massive amount of mainstream media attention. It was talked about. It was discussed. It was everything an ‘event’ comic was meant to be (well, short of actually being particularly ‘good’).

Pretty Russian Billiards Master

Anastasiya Luppova has won a lot of European and Russian billiards cups. Sporty, beautiful, smart – a real dream girl!
