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Why Do Guys Play Female Characters?

In some countries, a male player will be called a "Shemale" if he plays a female character in an MMO. Out of nowhere, this phenomenon has become a common thing. However the answer to why would guys choose to play female characters is still blurred. Have you ever done so in an online game? Welcome to join us in the discussion.

Reason One: Female Characters always seem pleasing.

In online games, especially MMORPGs, female characters usually have a much nicer face and figure that would make most girls in real life jealous. And for young indoorsy guy players, these pretty female characters, no matter they are S-shaped beauties from Korean MMOs, or looks like pale, wrinkleless night elves in WoW, are all tantalizing.

Compared with gorgeous female characters, some guys may find it boring to control a white, neat, eunuch-like toy boy or a boorish, rustic, middle-aged man. This could be the original intention why guys chose to play "Shemales" in online games.

Reason Two: To swindle equipment.

"Shemales" who hold such intention are probably the most harmful kind. Usually, they would use their girlish looks and nancy messages to make their guy teammates believe that they are immaculate girls.

Innocent young boys who just get into the MMO world are more vulnerable to these tricks. Hearing soft begging, impulsed by hormone and narcissism, these young boys will not only hand over equipment they've looted, but may even spend money to buy them a set of artifacts. Right before they find out the truth, they would probably feel satisfied and happy.

Reason Three: Female characters are more likely to be taken care of.

Due to the inborn mentality of love for beauty, it is natural for guy players to take care of girls in online games.

For example, if a girl player didn't deal much damage in a team fight, her guy teammates will comfort her with all kinds of excuses; but if she did launch powerful attack, her teammates would get excited like they just had some exhilarant and encourage her to deal more damage. Moreover, wearing the same equipment, a girl player is more likely to enroll in a dungeon explorer party and they also have a higher chance to get the loot first as long as they act cute enough. After seeing such scenario times and times again, some guy players especially who have been fighting so hard on their own would start complaining: why can't I be a girl in online games? As a result, they go straight to the "Shemale" camp.

Reason: Genetic mix-up

Stirred up by genetic mix-up, there are indeed some guys in real life who want to become a woman. Maybe they don't have the guts to get a transsexual operation, or the tendency to wear women clothes all day, less likely to let such desire lead them to crime. All they want to do is become a complete woman in the virtual game world. They will not only play female characters but also will display their feminine part in online games. Although they are rare, such players indeed exist.

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